DSA Consultation Programmes

The Global Citizen Academy is partnering with Flying Cape for its POSB Education Fair 2021 to offer enrichment programmes to develop your child’s life skills by building on their confidence and communication skills and enjoy exclusive perks as a DBS/POSB Cardholder.

For Parents with Primary School Students ages: 8 - 12 years old

Preparing for DSA Debate

(Consultation with Coach)

By Appointment Only

Preparing for the Direct School Admission applications can be a very daunting task for parents and children alike. Book a 1-hour consultation session with one of our very experienced debate coaches who have coached Debate programmes at Primary Schools, will review your child’s debate achievements and experience, and develop a plan to enhance their portfolio. You will also understand more about our intensive Preparing for DSA Debate programme and how our coaches will work with your child one-on-one to identify areas of improvement, polish and strengthen their debating portfolio, and develop their confidence by coaching your child through various debate competitions and tournaments that they are participating in through a teaser segment with your child within this session.

Mode of Programme Delivery:

Synchronous Virtual Programme

POSB Education Fair Deal

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Price: $24 SGD

Usual Price

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Price: $100 SGD

Preparing for DSA Public Speaking

(Consultation with Coach)

By Appointment Only

Sign up for a 1-hour consultation session with one of our highly qualified public speaking coaches in order to understand about the DSA process and how to prepare your child should they be interested in applying for DSA through public speaking. In this session, you will also receive a complementary teaser segment where you will learn more from our rigorous Preparing for DSA Public Speaking programme which will pair your child with a public speaking coach one-on-one to continue to develop their achievements in public speaking by improving their speech writing and development, mastering voice projection, and developing clear communication and speech skills.

Mode of Programme Delivery:

Synchronous Virtual Programme

POSB Education Fair Deal

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Price: $24 SGD

Usual Price

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Price: $100 SGD

Preparing for DSA Drama

(Consultation with Coach)

By Appointment Only

Looking to find out more about the Direct School Admission exercise? Book a 1-hour one-on-one consultation session with one of our highly trained drama coaches to learn more about the DSA process and how to coach your child if they are looking to qualify for DSA through Drama. This session would also feature a teaser session of our Preparing for DSA Drama programme which aims to equip children who are looking to improve their drama achievements in preparation for their DSA applications through drama. The teaser session would also introduce how the drama coach will identify performance and communication skills to be improved on and will make recommendations such as LAMDA and Trinity Guild certifications to improve their drama portfolio and guide them through their performance preparations. 

Mode of Programme Delivery:

Synchronous Virtual Programme

POSB Education Fair Deal

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Price: $24 SGD

Usual Price

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Price: $100 SGD